350NM Past Speaker Series Talks

2021-2022 Talks

Counselor, NM Fracking Tour

July 27, 2024
Daniel Tso, Dine´activist and past chapter delegate to the Navajo Tribal Council. Please join 350NM to tour fracking sites in northwestern NM. Daniel Tso will lead a tour of several fracking sites near Counselor, NM and Chaco Canyon, about two hours NW of Albuquerque on St Hwy. 550. Learn firsthand why fracking is so harmful to communities, water, air, health and our climate..



New Methane Regulations: Good Enough?

 June 24, 2024.Methane pollution will be the most impactful greenhouse gas (GHG) over the next twenty years. To step back from the climate change tipping point, state and federal  agencies have rolled out tougher methane emission standards to rein in the oil and gas industry. Are the new rules going to be enough? Will they be enforced? Antoinette Reyes will help us answer these questions with a brief review of why methane is such an import GHG, the background and recent changes in federal and state methane regulations and regulation enforcement. And how these changes may or may not move us toward Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change goals and goals set by our governor’s Executive Order 2019-003 to reduce NM statewide reduction in GHG emissions of at least 45% by 2030. Reyes’ presentation will be follow by an open discussion.

ABQ City Council Unanimously Passes Green Stormwater Ordinance

May 28, 2024. Albuquerque City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn (Dist. 7) and ecologist Sarah Hurteau did a great job of explaining what Green Stormwater Infrastructure is and how it reduces flooding, recharges the water table and promotes green trees and landscapes. Climate change is here in New Mexico prompting the urgent need for policies that reflect this growing challenge. Green Stormwater Infrastructure/Low Impact Development (GSI/LID) integrate climate adaptation strategies into stormwater management. This might not sound exciting, but reusing stormwater runoff as an asset to support trees and other landscapes in our high desert environment can make all the difference. A recent partnership between the Albuquerque Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn, and the Arid LID Coalition resulted in the unanimous adoption of a complete streets ordinance that includes green stormwater infrastructure practices. Councilor Fiebelkorn will explain how she worked with the skeptical council majority to embrace this forward looking water management ordinance. The presenters discussed how GSI supports climate adaptation strategies, and what the new ordinance will change.


EV Road Trips 101

March 28, 2024. Electric Vehicle road trips can be a challenge at first. Join three experienced EV road warriors to hear about the tricks of the trade. Long distance EV travel takes some adjustments in exchange for the multiple benefits. If you have or want to purchase a long-range EV, join the discussion. If you are a veteran EV road warrior, bring your insights.



COP28 Road to Dubai with Jacob Johns

Jan. 29, 2024.  An inspiring conversation with Washington state Climate Activist Jacob Johns about his participation in the United Nations COP conferences and his leading the an ambitious effort to integrate indigenous wisdom into modern climate policy.  Wisdom Keeper delegatesfrom around the world collaborated at COP28 to create a dynamic, living document blending ancient indigenous knowledge with practical solutions for today’s climate challenges. The Wisdom Keeper’s approach is aimed at catalyzing a unified global response to climate change, bridging the gap between spiritual aspirations and practical policymaking. Jacob’s participation in COP28 was curtailed after he was shot at a protest against the installation of a Juan de Oñate statue in Española in October 2023. Get to know the uplifting spirit of this remarkable climate and indigenous activist. “No time to despair about climate change.”   Webinar Video. Wisdom Keeper Website. Jacob’s mother’s letter about the Oct. 2023  shooting incident.

Community MicroGrid Technology

Monday, November 27, 2023. Gary Oppedahl, VP of Energy Technology, BlockEnergy will present community MicroGrid technology developed here in New Mexico at Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Labs that provides neighborhoods with renewable, resilient energy. A community utilizing this technology “powered” through Hurricane Ian with no outages, while the surrounding area was out for three days. This entire community is net-zero at no cost to the homeowners – no leases, no upfront costs, nothing. Paid for and maintained entirely by the utility. The microgrid technology is moving out of the lab and into the marketplace. Webinar Video

New Mexico’s Landscapes, Soils and Water Resources in a Changing Climate

Monday, Oct. 23, 2023. Les McFadden, UNM professor emeritus in the University of New Mexico Earth & Planetary Sciences Department, discusses the effect climate change will have over the next five decades on New Mexico. He is one of ten authors/editors of “Climate Change in New Mexico Over the Next 50 Years: Impacts on Water Resources,” developed by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources. With average temperatures projected to rise 5 to 7 °F  by 2070 and little overall change in precipitation, expect to see migrating sand dunes in the Navajo Nation, the loss of 1000-year old soils on southern slopes of the Jemez Mountains, the end of forests and the return of dust bowl conditions in the eastern plains. All of these changes have already begun. Professor McFadden served as chair of the E&PS Department (1999-2007) and is a fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA).  The Climate Change in New Mexico report was recently awarded the John C. Frye Environmental Geology Award by the GSA.  Click here for the Webinar Video. Slide deck.

Atencio vs New Mexico; A Historic Constitutional Challenge to Oil and Gas Industry Pollution in NM.

Monday Sept 25, 2923. No recording or slides. Plaintiffs with lead counsel, Gail Evans. The 350 New Mexico Speaker Series presented the Atencio vs New Mexico lawsuit with guests talking about their historic challenge to business as usual in the New Mexico oil and gas fields. On May 10, 2023, a group of frontline community members, Indigenous peoples, youth, and non-profit organizations filed a constitutional challenge to the New Mexico government’s fifty-year dereliction of its mandated duty to protect New Mexicans’ air, water, environment and other natural resources, and fundamental rights. The plaintiffs are represented by attorneys with the Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, and Daniel Yohalem. New Mexico passed an environment amendment to our state constitution (Art. XX, Sec. 21) in 1971 that established a duty for the state government to protect New Mexicans’ air, water, environment, and other natural resources.  Nevertheless, the State continues to authorize and promote oil and gas extraction, without establishing and implementing a statutory, regulatory and enforcement scheme that ensures the protection of New Mexico’s beautiful and healthful environment. More Information LINK.  Center for Biological Diversity Webinar Video from another date. Slide deck.

Micro Divestment: Our Own Savings Accounts

MONDAY, August 28, 2023. Fossil divestment is usually talked about in terms of large institutional investment policy, like at the UNM Foundation.  Aric Vickrey, a licensed financial advisor in Santa Fe, NM helps us understand our personal choices for fossil free investing. Different advisors and funds define fossil free differently. Vickrey explains how to compare apples to apples, and include topics such as:  (1) The effects fossil free investing has on portfolio performance, risk and the growing popularity of fossil free investing; and (2) How to check your investments to see if they are fossil free and how to search for fossil free investment opportunities  (mutual funds and stocks) and equities, domestic and international

Vickrey has 15 years of experience in finance and 8 years of experience in investment management and financial planning, he was born in New Mexico and lives in Bernalillo and is married with three children.  Click here for the Webinar Video and Slide Deck.


Electrify New Mexico

MONDAY, May 22, 2023  350NM’s Stefi Weisburd unveiled the group’s new website Electrify New Mexico to help residents navigate the financial incentives that make electrification affordable.  It addressed these questions: Tired of high and unpredictable heating bills? Wondering what a heat pump is, and which kinds are best for New Mexico? Want to know why waiting until the end of the year is a bad time to install solar in New Mexico? Concerned about health-harming gases in your kitchen? Want an EV, but don’t like the choices available for purchase? It discussed how going electric will save you money, clean your air and reduce carbon emissions, as well as how to optimize generous, but confusing, rebates and tax credits so that these efficient, high-performance appliances will cost you a lot less – and for some people, nothing at all.  UPDATE: PNM now offers discounts on heat pumps through its midstream program instead of rebates. Click here for the  Video  and  Slide Deck.


NM’s Largest Climate Polluters Report

March. 27, 2023.  Authors of the report, “Impacts of NM’s Largest Emissions Sources”  Gabe Pacyniak, JD of UNM and Elena Krieger of PSE talked about their February 1 report that for the first time examines the climate and health damaging pollution from large stationary sources in New Mexico. It identifies 189 stationary sources that together contribute approximately 25% of the state’s climate pollution along with a large share of conventional pollutants.  Most of this pollution comes from the electric power and oil and gas sectors, with mines, manufacturing facilities, airports, and universities also contributing. The report also analyzed where large sources are located and suggested that there may be equity benefits to reducing emissions in those areas with a high percentage of people of color, lower-income people, or people with health vulnerabilities. Four regions—the San Juan Basin; Permian Basin; Albuquerque, Bernalillo, and Sandoval Counties; and Las Cruces and Dona Aña County— had clusters of large stationary sources. The report finds that current state policies are not adequate to achieve climate pollution reductions from these sources in keeping with the state’s climate goals but identifies ways that climate pollution policies could be designed to both reduce climate pollution and maximize public health benefits for communities where these sources are located. UNM’s Just Transition Grand Challenge initiative and the nonprofit organization PSE Healthy Energy hosted the report. The report was funded by the Environmental Defense Fund. Click for the video,  slides, and report.


Transformative Green Finance Policies

Feb. 27, 2023. Climate change poses a threat to state pensions, budgets and investments. Yet bills in Republican-led states are banning companies that reduce climate investment risks by using ESG or “environmental, social and corporate governance” factors. Climate financial policy analyst Jordan Haedtler outlined attacks on ESG and “woke capitalism” and highlighted actions that states can take to protect insurance policy holders, revenues, and oil company bankruptcies that leave them with unfunded cleanup costs. He also discussed Green Banks and other initiatives that will help New Mexico capitalize on the transformative opportunities presented by the Inflation Reduction Act. Click for the video and slides.


Blue Hydrogen Hub Briefing

Jan. 23, 2023. The Blue Hydrogen Hub rising again in the 2023 legislative session, with Rep. Lundstrom planning to “introduce a bill in coming weeks aimed at setting aside money for public-private partnerships for hydrogen projects.” This updated briefing on the Blue Hydrogen Hub features Tom Solomon of 350NM and WELC’s methane expert Dr. Tom Singer. It address why blue hydrogen is being pushed by the fossil fuel industry to sell more natural gas. It is NOT a climate solution. Click for the video and  the slides.

350NM Legislative Action Team Kickoff

Jan. 8, 2023.  2023 will see landmark climate legislation pass in New Mexico, IF we make our voices heard. Please join the 350NM Legislative Action Team at the January 8, 2023 Zoom webinar to learn how. We’ll review our preliminary list of priority 2023 climate & energy bills and demonstrate the 350NM website which will present updated information on the bills’ status including upcoming committee hearings.  Learn how to effectively contact legislators and make public comments at committee hearings.  Click here to watch the video.


New Mexico’s Water Future: Managing our water in a drying climate


Nov. 29, 2022. PART 1. Two members of the State Engineer’s Water Policy and Infrastructure Task Force summarize scientific projections of how water supplies will shrink 25% by 2070 due to climate change and the challenges this brings to New Mexico water use and management. Kyle Harwood, water attorney, and Norm Gaume, president of the Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates describe task force recommendations for policy changes and proposed legislation for managing water under these conditions. Click here to watch the video.

Dec. 8, 2022
. PART 2. Recommendations for helping communities plan, fund, design, build, operate, and maintain drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure AND on how to improve watershed, river, and aquifer health. Panelists: Mike Hamman, P.E., New Mexico State Engineer, Water Task Force Chair; Rachel Conn, Deputy Director, Amigos Bravos; Task Force Consulting Expert and MRGWA Board Member and Laurie Weahkee, Owner, Laurie Weahkee and Associates; Consultant, NM Indian Affairs Department;Water Task Force Proxy for Members Secretary Lynn Trujillo and Daryl Vigil. Moderated  by Tricia Snyder, Senior Water Policy Analyst, NM Wild. Hosted by: Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates, 350NM, Amigos Bravos, NM & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light, Valencia Water Watchers. Click here to watch the video.


Jan. 11, 2023 PART 3. Dr. Dunbar summarized the climate change impacts on our water. Ms. Riseley-White summarized the 17 strong task force recommendations and report.  Mr. Gaume focused on actions the Water Advocates are demanding the Governor and the 2023 Legislature to take: Fund New Mexico’s state water agencies (Office of the State Engineer, the Interstate Stream Commission, and the New Mexico Environment Department) to increase their capacity to do the jobs the legislature has given them.  Pass the 2023  Water Security Planning Act.  Click here to view the entire session video.
Click here to view Nelia Dunbar’s slides
Click here to view Hannah Riseley-White’s slides
Click here to view Norm Gaume’s slides
Click here to view the session Chat file