Rural Electric Cooperatives
Many of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Co-ops receive their electricity and energy efficiency rebates from Tri-State. This list of rebates for their residential and commercial customers comes from the Socorro Electric Co-op website, but other NM co-ops may have similar rebates. Check with your co-op to see what they offer before you make purchases and begin your project.
Some Coops affiliated with Tri-State in Colorado offer On-Bill Financing to help members pay for upgrades. Look out for this program to expand to New Mexico later in 2025. You may also save by signing up for a Time-of-Use electricity rate.
- Tri-State Electrify and Save Possible 2025 Rebates
- Energy Audits for commercial, industrial and agricultural producers
- $100 Electric-to-Induction cooktop/range 30″+
- $350 Gas-to-Induction replacement or new construction
- 25% of cost up to $1,000 Electric riding mower
- 25% of cost up to $150 Electric snow blower, mower and bicycles
- 25% of cost up to $100 Electric chainsaw; up to $50 for Electric trimmers, prunes, leaf blowers and power-washers
- Air Source Heat Pump 1 ton equals 12,000 Btu. T1 ton for the first 1,000 square feet, and then add an extra ton for every additional 500 square feet
- Tier 1 Efficient HP; Required HSPF >= 9.0 and SEER >= 15 or, HSPF2 >= 7.8 and SEER2 >=15.2
- <= 2 tons [Small house < 2,000sq ft]= $675 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
- > 2 tons = $1800 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
- Tier 2 – Cold-Climate Certified Air Source Heat Pump; HSPF >= 10.0 and SEER >= 16 or, HSPF2 >= 8.1 and SEER2 >= 15.2; variable speed compressor or a minimum of 3 stages (settings for fan speed)
- <= 2 tons = $1000 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
- > 2 tons = $2400 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
- Air Source Heat Pump Install up to $250/install for contractor
- Tier 1 Efficient HP; Required HSPF >= 9.0 and SEER >= 15 or, HSPF2 >= 7.8 and SEER2 >=15.2
- Ground Source Heat Pump
- $500 per ton for new systems
- $250 per ton for replacement systems
- $100 per unit for ground source heat pump powered hot water (a.k.a. desuperheater)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment
- Residential Level 2: 50% of equipment and installation costs up to $500
Tri-State Member Coops (Members may choose to offer rebates from this list for 2025)
- Central New Mexico Electric Coop (Torrance, Bernalillo, Chaves, Guadalupe, Lincoln, DeBaca, Sandoval, San Miguel, Socorro, Valencia, Santa Fe) – Air- and Ground-source Heat pumps, Heat Pump Water Heater, Induction Cooktop, EV Chargers, Thermostats, Outdoor equipment and E-Bikes
- Columbus Electric Coop (Grant, Hidalgo, Luna) –Air-Source and Ground-Source Heat Pumps, Whole House Fans, Evaporative Coolers, Induction Cooktops, Smart Thermostat, Heat Pump Dryers, Outdoor Equipment &E-bikes, Electric Water Heaters
- Continental Divide Coop (Cibola and parts of McKinley, Sandoval, Bernalillo, Valencia) – Air-Source Heat Pump, Ground-Source Heat Pump, Heat Pump Electric Dryer, EV Chargers, Induction Cooktop, Smart Thermostats, Outdoor Equipment and E-Bikes
- Jemez Mountains Electric Co-op (Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, Sandoval, McKinley, San Juan)
- Mora-San Miguel Electric Coop (Mora, San Miguel, Guadalupe, Santa Fe)
- Northern Río Arriba Electric Coop (Río Arriba) – Energy Audit, Appliance Center, Electrical Thermal Storage and Water Heater (time of use rates)
- Otero County Electric Coop (Chaves, Lincoln, Otero, Socorro) – Air and Ground-Source Heat Pumps, Mini splits, Insulation, Electric & HP water heaters, windows/doors, Thermostat, weather stripping/caulking power equipment, free home energy audit
- Sierra Electric (Catron, Luna, Sierra, Socorro) – rebates for: HP Clothes Dryer, LEDs, air-source and ground-source heat pumps, electrical thermal storage, EV chargers, outdoor electric equipment, induction cooktops, Smart Thermostats and Whole House Fans and more.
- Socorro Electric Coop (Catron, Cibola, Sierra, Socorro, Valencia)
- Southwestern Electric Coop (Harding, Quay, Union)
- Springer Electric (Harding, Mora, San Miguel, Union)
Western Farmers Electric Coops
- Central Valley Electric Coop (Eddy, Chaves, Lea, Otero) – Home Energy Audit, Heat Pumps, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Marathon Electric Water Heater (not eligible for tax credit)
- Farmers Electric Coop– Electricity rate discount for members who install EV Charger
- Lea County Electric Coop (Chaves, Eddy, Lea) – Energy Audit, Loans for Weatherization and Heat Pumps, test drive LCEC’s Chevy Bolt!
- Roosevelt County Electric Coop (Chaves, Curry, DeBaca, Roosevelt) – EV charger, Matching funds up to $1,500 total for upgrades including Heat Pump systems, Smart Water Heaters, Insulation, Windows/Doors, Thermostat, Weather Stripping. Also has 3% energy loans. Call for details.
- Duncan Valley Coop (Grant, Hidalgo) – Time of Use plan
- Kit Carson Electric Coop Time of Use rates
- La Plata Electric Association (Rio Arriba) 2025 Rebates (Energy audit, Heat Pump Dryer, Heat Pumps, Heat Pump Water Heaters, Induction Stoves, Smart Thermostat, Outdoor Equipment, E-bikes, EV Charger, Income-qualified weatherization)
- Navopache Electric Coop (Catron) – Water Heater Time of Use
- Rio Grande Electric Coop (Eddy, Otero)
Rural Electric Co-ops and Solar

- Net Metering
- Rates (including time of use)
- See the status of solar and battery projects.
- Read the history of Kit Carson’s decision to leave Tri-State and pursue 100% daytime solar.
- Register your electric medical devices in case of an outage.
- Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
- Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative: Net Metering
Otero County Electric Cooperative has a 75.9 kW solar garden, net metering and green power program the allows member to purchase blocks of renewable energy coming from Tri-State.
Sierra Electric Cooperative – Please contact their office for their net metering packet for solar.
Socorro Electric Cooperative members can subscribe to Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association’s “green power” program which sells members 9 cent per 100-kWh block of renewable energy per month.
Springer Electric Cooperative offers 100 kilowatt blocks of wind-generated electricity for $1.25 above your regular monthly energy charge. It also buys back member solar-generated electricity for 2.688 cents/kWh (2023)