Rural Electric Cooperatives


Many of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Co-ops receive their electricity and energy efficiency rebates from Tri-State.  This list of rebates for their residential and commercial customers comes from the Socorro Electric Co-op website, but other NM co-ops may have similar rebates. Check with your co-op to see what they offer before you make purchases and begin your project.





  • Energy Audits for commercial, industrial and agricultural producers
  • $100 Electric-to-Induction cooktop/range 30″+
  • $350 Gas-to-Induction replacement or new construction
  • 25% of cost up to $1,000 Electric riding mower
  • 25% of cost up to $150 Electric snow blower, mower and bicycles
  • 25% of cost up to $100 Electric chainsaw; up to $50 for Electric trimmers, prunes, leaf blowers and power-washers
  • Air Source Heat Pump 1 ton equals 12,000 Btu. T1 ton for the first 1,000 square feet, and then add an extra ton for every additional 500 square feet
    • Tier 1 Efficient HP; Required HSPF >= 9.0 and SEER >= 15 or, HSPF2 >= 7.8 and SEER2 >=15.2
      • <= 2 tons [Small house < 2,000sq ft]= $675 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
      • > 2 tons = $1800 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
    • Tier 2 – Cold-Climate Certified Air Source Heat Pump; HSPF >= 10.0 and SEER >= 16 or, HSPF2 >= 8.1 and SEER2 >= 15.2; variable speed compressor or a minimum of 3 stages (settings for fan speed)
      • <= 2 tons = $1000 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
      • > 2 tons = $2400 (not to exceed 50% equipment cost)
    • Air Source Heat Pump Install up to $250/install for contractor
  • Ground Source Heat Pump
    • $500 per ton for new systems
    •  $250 per ton for replacement systems
    •  $100 per unit for ground source heat pump powered hot water (a.k.a. desuperheater)
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment
    • Residential Level 2: 50% of equipment and installation costs up to $500
Please call your coop for the most up-to-date offerings and requirements.
Central New Mexico Electric Co-op

Central Valley Electric
   home energy audit
Columbus Electric
-Air-Source Heat Pump, Ground-Source Heat Pump, Whole House Fans, Split System Air Conditioners, Induction Cooktops, Smart Thermostat, Heat Pump Dryers, Heat Pump Water Heaters, Outdoor Equipment etc.
Continental Divide

Jemez Mountains Electric Co-op

Mora-San Miguel Electric

Northern Río Arriba Electric energy audit   appliance center   electrical thermal storage  (time of use rates)
Otero County Electric
  $500 for HPWH. $500/indoor mini split unit, windows, lighting, thermostats, air-source heat pumps, outdoor power equipment, free home energy audit, free EV charger provided by OCEC, and more.
Roosevelt County Electric Coop
Rebates for upgrading to EV charger ($250), insulation, windows, heat pumps (SEER 16+) and others $1,500 max per project. Also has 3% energy loans. Call for details. 
Sierra Electric
 rebates for: HP Clothes Dryer, LEDs, air-source and ground-source heat pumps, electrical thermal storage, EV chargers, outdoor electric equipment, induction cooktops, Smart Thermostats and Whole House Fans and more.
Southwestern Electric
   weatherization    EV charger
Springer Electric
Other Co-ops

Central Valley Electric Cooperative– heat pumps
Lea County Electric Co-operative
– Energy Audit, Loans for Weatherization and Heat Pumps, test drive LCEC’s new Chevy Bolt!Roosevelt Electric Cooperative – Residential Level 2 EV charger, offers 3% Energy Efficiency Loans to members

Rural Electric Co-ops and Solar

Most of New Mexico’s Co-ops obtain their electricity from Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, which limits the amount of power that individual distribution co-ops can generate themselves to 5%. This is why most co-ops discourage their members from putting solar on their roofs. Tri-State is expanding its renewable portfolio (mostly in Colorado) as it shuts down some coal plants (such as Escalante in New Mexico) and argues that its utility-scale solar will be cheaper than if New Mexico co-ops buy out their contracts with Tri-State and produce their own solar energy or buy renewable electricity from another supplier such as Kit Carson Electric Co-op has done.

Co-ops in other states including Colorado’s United Power, which accounts for 20% of Tri-State’s market, have signaled their intent to buy out their contracts. The exit fee cost is up before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

According to Solar United Neighbors, many co-op members do not realize that they own their co-op and decisions are left to traditionally very conservative boards who are happy to “rely on centrally-generated coal-fired power and have little interest in distributed renewable energy.” Their report offers a guide to show what members can do to boost solar.

US Cooperative Solar generation and distribution Map.

    Kit Carson Electric Cooperative