New Mexico Education Resources

Learning in the Land of Enchantment





Place-based learning about climate change and the environment makes it more relevant and meaningful to students. There are many environmental education programs and learning opportunities in New Mexico from field trips to classroom visits, school gardens, open spaces, state parks, citizen science, and partnerships with museums.

Visit Environmental Education of New Mexico’s State of Outdoor and Environmental Learning for an updated listing of education opportunities in our state.

New Mexico Curriculum and Professional Development

These high-quality sites include lesson plans and activities for students to learn more about climate change in New Mexico and the southwest, how it affects them, and what they can do. Several organizations in the state offer teacher workshops and other professional development opportunities.

Field Trips

Opportunities abound for outdoor field trips to explore the land of enchantment and indoor field trips to gain new perspectives.

Classroom Visits and After-School Programs

Classroom visits from organizations and individuals can be an important part of learning for students. Educators from organizations share expertise on local ecosystems, science topics, and sustainability of local resources.


Water Conservation

These high-quality resources help students make connections and understand water issues in New Mexico.

Community Gardens

Gardens support student inquiry and connection to the natural world and engage students in the process of formulating meaningful questions.

New Mexico Artists

Inspire and teach students about climate issues in New Mexico through art.

Open Space and Nature Centers

Getting students outside to form a connection to nature is more important than ever in this era of isolation and disconnection from the land.

New Mexico  Environmental Films

Help bring climate and environmental issues in the state to life for students through documentaries and videos.