Teaching Classroom Lessons New Mexico Book List Visuals Youth Activism Films Podcasts
Media can enrich instruction and help students see how people and systems are being affected by climate change right now even when students don’t see it where they live.
350.org Latest Updates
The 350.org Latest Updates page contains climate news stories and climate advocacy campaigns students and adults can join. This site is appropriate for upper-middle and high school students.
Climate Stories Project
Climate Stories Project gives a voice to the emotional and personal impacts of climate change. Get in touch with the organization to learn how to engage students in creating their own Climate Stories. Students learn about local impacts of climate change, speak about their own responses to the changing climate, and conduct interviews with elders and others about climate change. Students can share their interviews to the archive of climate stories and can use recorded interviews to create and share projects such as podcasts, documentary films, or art projects.
Dangerous New Hot Zones Are Spreading Around the World: Washington Post
Average global temperature is one data point on a graph. The images in this article poignantly demonstrate how some parts of the globe are warming much faster than others and have already reached far beyond the 2 degrees C level we are trying to stay below globally. This site is great for 5th grade and higher.
EnergiMedia: Journalism about the Energy Transition
EnergiMedia provides this collection of interviews with leading energy and climate experts from around the world. Each listing includes: a video or audio interview; an interview transcript; related Energi Media stories; and linked resources. High school, technical/community college, and university students and teachers may use Energi Student Resources at no cost through the EnergiU Library.
Ensia is a solutions-focused nonprofit media outlet reporting on our changing planet. This is an excellent research site where students can be inspired by people working on solutions. It is very easy to search for topics of interest.
Gone in a Generation: Washington Post
Gone in a Generation is a collection of online stories, including one highlighting farms in the Mesilla Valley in southern New Mexico, vividly demonstrates how climate change is already uprooting lives and landscapes all over the nation. Appropriate for elementary through high school.
NASA Global Climate Change
The NASA Global Climate change site includes climate change facts to easily present in your classes as well as recent articles and solutions and energy innovations. Under “Resources” there is a search engine or graphics and multi-media that could enrich your instruction.
NREL Energy Basics
These National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) videos and short articles explain renewable energy topics including zero energy buildings, transportation, and ocean power. These resources are appropriate for middle school and older.
NREL Solar Cell Efficiencies Chart
This National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) graph shows ongoing improvements in efficiencies of photovoltaic solar cells made from various materials and in different structures in research labs across the globe over time. The more efficient a cell is, the more electricity it can make from the sun’s energy. This is a great resource for high school and older.
Reuters Investigates: Ocean Shock
Reuters Ocean Shock has high-quality reporting, graphics, and photos of what is happening to our oceans. The site features different communities and areas of the ocean from across the globe. From lobstermen in Maine to fishermen in North Carolina, livelihoods are at stake. For sardine-eating Portuguese and seafood-loving Japanese, cultural heritages are at risk. Ideal for middle and high school students who want to delve into a topic and see how climate change affects our oceans, people, and their cultures.
STEAM at Work 4 Kids
Meet three New Mexico engineers doing something about climate change. Kelsey DiPietro uses computer science to atmospheric models to better understand climate change. Sandra Begay works with solar cells and brings electricity to the Navajo Nation. Francisco Alvarez focuses the sun’s heat to on salts make electricity or store energy. Additional books and resources are provided to explore these topics further. This is a great resource for elementary through middle school.
Yale Climate Connections
Yale Climate Connections is an important center of scholarly research on the most effective ways to communicate climate change. The site includes a wealth of reporting, commentary, and analysis on climate change. It is updated daily with a wide variety of current articles, radio stories, videos, and webinars. It has a search engine by topic that is easy for students to narrow down articles in their area of interest. This can be used as a research site or a way for classes to keep up with the latest climate news.