Energy Management & Weatherization

Reduce energy use and save money through energy audits, weatherization such as door and window upgrades, and with devices that read and manage electricity.

Energy Audits


Learn how to assess how much energy and money might you be losing due to a leaking house. And then find a contractor to identify and fix leaks.

Head to our page to learn more.


Why spend a lot on heating and cooling only to see that energy leak out your windows? Up to 30% of residential heat loss and heat gain occurs via windows alone. Improving home energy efficiency through weatherization may involve air sealing, insulation, door and window upgrades, and ventilation improvements. Head to our page to learn more.

Avoid an Electric Panel Upgrade

Does your electric panel have at least 100 Amps? You may be able to avoid an expensive panel upgrade.  Learn about your electrical system and consider devices to support energy management like circuit splitters, smart panels, smart thermostats and more! Head to our page.