350 New Mexico supports the Diamond Tail Solar and Storage Project!

If we are to have any hope of stemming climate change we have to build the equivalent of one 200 Megawatt (MW) solar and one 200 MW wind farm per month per state, on average.  The proposed Diamond Tail Solar and Storage project in Sandoval County, sited next to an existing PNM substation and transmission lines, would provide 220 MW of solar and 110 MW of storage, equivalent to powering more than 60,000 homes annually. It would replace some of PNM’s coal-generated electricity, saving 11.6 billion gallons of water and 1.4 million tons of climate pollution per year.

Stand up for Solar! Fight Climate Change!

Please use this easy template to email the Sandoval Commissioners in support here.Thank you if you previously emailed your support to the Sandoval Planning & Zoning Board -the Commissioners need to hear from you too!

According to a State Panel report, the climate heating that is already killing East Mountain forests and reducing water supplies will get worse if we do not act.  We hope generations to come will be able to enjoy the beautiful natural beauty because our neighbors chose to be part of the solution to climate change.

The $450 million Diamond Tail project will lower PNM electricity rates, increase grid reliability, and provide good-paying local jobs and generous revenues for Sandoval County and schools. East Mountain businesses will also benefit.

Modern battery storage systems built to post-2022 safety standards like the one envisioned in this project are very safe. Fires are very rare and have never spread to surrounding communities. Read more here about how the Jan. 2025 Moss Landing fire at an older warehouse-style facility is not relevant to Diamond Tails’ design, and  here.

Information & Resources

Stand up for Solar! Fight Climate Change!

Please use this easy template to email the Sandoval Commissioners in support here.  Thank you if you previously emailed your support to the Sandoval Planning & Zoning Board -the Commissioners need to hear from you now!