What do you love and hope never to lose to climate chaos?
350NM is proud to present Faces for Climate Action, a visual collection of what New Mexicans love. This project grew out of the Climate Ribbon Project, the culminating art installation from the People’s Climate March in New York City in 2014. The Climate Ribbon is an arts ritual to grieve what each of us stands to lose to Climate Chaos, and affirm our solidarity as we unite to fight against it.
We have asked thousands of New Mexicans, face to face, over the last two years to consider what is at stake for them personally as the effects of climate change increase. The question we asked is What do you love, and hope never to lose, to climate chaos?
Here are their responses.
Listen to their words, hear their voices and consider how you would answer the question. We are grateful to everyone who filled out a ribbon and shared what you love most. Together, we strive to create a future that supports a livable planet and a just society.
“We are tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. And whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.” —Dr. Martin Luther King
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