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Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority

The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority offers a variety of education programs, including classroom visits, puppet shows, field trips, virtual tours, and online curriculum.


Amigos Bravos

Amigos Bravos is a statewide water conservation organization guided by social justice principles and dedicated to preserving and restoring the ecological and cultural integrity of New Mexico’s water and the communities that depend on it. Their work is inspired by the values and traditional knowledge of New Mexico’s diverse Hispanic and Native American land-based populations. They offer family-friendly workshops and educational opportunities and materials, such as maps of river otter populations.


Clean Water in Las Cruces

This PBS lesson plan for grades 7-12 explores how climate change is affecting New Mexicans’ access to clean water. The video focuses on how rural communities are particularly impacted and how people do not have the resources to continue to dig deeper wells. The demands of agriculture on the water supply are also explored. The site includes many links for students to investigate water issues in the southwest.


Keep the Rio Grand

Stormwater is a leading source of pollution in the Rio Grande.  The pollution is largely human-caused! The Stormwater Team was formed to educate individuals and businesses on how to reduce pollution by keeping trash and other pollution out of our system. We are dedicated to educating children, adults and businesses on how they can reduce stormwater pollution to keep our river clean. Learn more about our projects, such as the “Scoop the Poop” campaign. They also have an Interactive Stormwater Map for students to explore.


UNM Center for Water and the Environment

The University of New Mexico Center for Water and the Environment brings innovative hands-on engineering activities to community and school STEM-events, offers tours of its labs at UNM, and can provide student or faculty speakers. It has also developed a virtual Water Mania! class in partnership with Explora. Their activities are appropriate for grades K-12.


Water Conservation Data Jam

The Water Conservation Data Jam is a teacher-led program for middle and high school students that can be conducted in person or online. The program was designed by the Asombro Institute for Science Education to increase students’ environmental literacy and ability to turn knowledge into action that benefits the environment. Students make sense of regionally-relevant datasets about water and then communicate the data to nonscientists through creative projects (e.g., poems, physical models, games) that highlight the need for water conservation and actions that they and others can take to become stewards of our water resources.


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