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Mobro: High Seas Drifter, Courtesy of Turner Carroll Art Gallery

Scott Greene

New Mexico 

 “Living and working in New Mexico for nearly 30 years has greatly influenced my paintings, and my thinking in general. The expansive space, vivid light and western frame of reference informs the narrative content in my work, and the alien beauty of high desert skies serve as backdrops for many compositions. In contrast to the picturesque, however, are serious ecological concerns, with very real impact on the quality of life in this region of the country.  I’m especially aware of the correlation between poverty and environmental exploitation, because they live so closely together here in the  “Land of Enchantment.”   Scott Greene 

Environmental (Ex)change  Exhibit 

Land Arts of the American West

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Land Arts of the American West at the University of New Mexico plans collaborative projects with Art & Ecology students, visiting artists, activists, and community members from the Southwest.  





Greater Chaco Artwork Zines

Albuquerque, New Mexico

These zines were created by 2018 Land Arts of the American West artists while visiting the Greater Chaco Region in New Mexico and witnessing the environmental racism and health impacts of fracking on local communities. This project, designed to raise public awareness of the issues, was a collaboration with visiting artist, Asha Canalos, and the Greater Chaco Coalition.

Into the Unknown Together

New Mexico

Into the Unknown Together is a community climate anthology containing stories, artwork, essays, poetry and more from 33 contributors based in the eco-regions of New Mexico. The publication is a creative compilation of collective future visions imagining a world beyond extraction and oppression in a time of climate adaptation.

Fracking Sandoval County Comic

Artwork by Larry Bob Phillips, writing by Marc LeClair

Albuquerque, NM

The ongoing conversation on the proposed Sandoval County oil and gas ordinance has been transformed into a comic book.  “Some years ago, I made a personal commitment to do everything I could to protect the land and the water here,” says author, LeClaire . “I feel the more I learned about fracking, the more I am completely convinced that it’s a real threat to our land and water and our way of life here.” The comic book is available for viewing on Instagram. Or a copy can be purchased for $5 at New Mexico Future Histories.


Fracking Mural

Albuquerque, NM

The mural is on the side of the Field and Film building at Central and Tulane,  in Nob Hill. The mural depicts Sandoval Commissioners Block and Chapman on the side of the Oil and Gas industry. The right side of the mural includes the science hydrologist, a member from the Pueblos who gave an eloquent speech to the Commission, and an activist from Food and Water Watch.

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