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Classroom visits from organizations and individuals can be an important part of learning for students. Educators from organizations share expertise on local ecosystems, science topics, and sustainability of local resources.
Classroom Visits
Albuquerque Area
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority
The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority provides free, hands-on classroom presentations with a focus on water for K-12 students. Activities are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. They also offer free puppet shows for grades K-2 that work best for groups of 40-80 students.
BEMP: Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program
The Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program (BEMP) offers classroom visits focused on the botany, entomology, social history, hydrology and/or wildlife of the Middle Rio Grande valley and bosque. Stormwater Science in-classroom and field activities can be used by teachers to enhance classroom visits. Students learn that the health of the Rio Grande is directly tied to the health of the surrounding watershed and arroyos. By helping students understand that runoff comes from all over the city, they see how they can individually make a difference to improve the condition of our river.
Southern New Mexico
Asombro Institute for Science Education, Las Cruces
The Asombro Institute for Science Education offers fun, hands-on classroom science programs for every grade. The program topics range from matter to arthropods to climate change and are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards. Remote-learning programs are available for teachers of students learning from home or outside of the area served.
After-School Programs
Global Warming Express
The Global Warming Express is a state-wide after-school program for 8-12-year-old students. Mentors use climate science, general science, mathematics, geography, history, civics, public speaking and performance skills, and sustainability training to students to inspire them to take action to solve the climate crisis. Students learn how to advocate for themselves and design solutions. They take part in actions, like marches, rallies, town halls, and other events as part of the program.