There are a lot of financial incentives for cutting carbon and going electric that can be combined for greater savings. But knowing what incentives you, your home improvements and your installer qualify for is tricky.
Do YOU qualify?
Eligibility for different programs depends on your income and other factors such as where you live; household size; health status; if you are a homeowner, landlord or renter; and whether you pay taxes or not. Some PNM programs are only for customers who have used their Check-Up program. Some Coop rebates are only available for customers who contact the Coop first.
Do you qualify for NM State Programs? (This includes the Federal Inflation Reduction Act Rebates for Low-Income residents).
Does your EQUIPMENT qualify?
Some equipment like heat pumps must meet minimum technical standards that change every year. Your installer should check that the heat pump is eligible and give you a certificate to that effect. In theory, New Mexico does not give tax credits for heat pumps if they are installed with a gas furnace (dual fuel systems).
Does your INSTALLER qualify?
Some PNM rebates are only available through its “Midstream Program” for equipment installed by contractors who have gone through PNM’s training program.
Incentives are available from:
There are eligibility requirements both for equipment,
Eventually Rewiring America’s Savings Calculator will be a one-stop source for finding every program you are eligible for, but they have not yet updated the calculator for New Mexico. The ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder may be helpful
Rebates are discounts off the purchase price. They can be implemented in different ways. For example:
A tax credit reduces the amount of state and/or federal taxes you owe. You may have to apply for a certificate and/or obtain certain paperwork before you can apply for the credit when you file your taxes.
If you do not owe state taxes, however, you may still receive funds for certain electrification action/incomes that qualify for “refundable tax credits” (see below).
If you do not owe federal taxes, you may get a discount on your electric or hybrid vehicle if you transfer your tax credit to the dealer at the time of purchase.
There are several programs that weatherize and upgrade energy systems for low-income residents at no cost.